Sunday, November 13, 2011

Woman Gets Stolen Bike Back, by Stealing It Herself

Sometimes, the vigilante wins. 

Seems a Boulder, Colo., woman came out of a sports bar one night, expecting to find the bicycle that she had left on the sidewalk while watching a university football game, and discovered that the bike had been stolen. What to do?

Well, the woman might have gotten mad, but she certainly got even.

This woman, who at 25 is definitely is in the new wave of social media and Internet technology-savvy generations, went to Craigslist and found her bike. She knew it was hers because the "owner" had posted a photo in which she recognized the telltale handlebar tape and water bottle holder of her black Trek road bike.

Putting her detective hat on, the woman responded to the posting, seeking a test ride. The "owner," a man, granted the woman a test ride, and the woman took off — taking her bicycle back in the process.

The woman knew where the man lived and so forwarded that information to police, who arrested the man, who admitted the theft. The man, who was all of 18, had no prior record and so was released on bond. Still, he might have learned his lesson.

The police who handled the case were possibly impressed with the woman's savvy, but they did want to make it very clear to her and to the rest of us that the outcome could have very easily been of a darker variety.

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