Monday, February 14, 2011

Driver Arrested for Video of Him Going 140 MPH

"Just plain crazy" is how the police spokesperson described the behavior of the guy who was arrested for driving his BMW 118 mph down the Oregon interstate. That's probably a fair enough comment.

But wait … there's more.

See, the guy had his video camera out and was filming the sheriff's deputy as he walked from the patrol car to the speeder's car to write out the ticket. Yes, the driver was aware that he had broken the law. Yes, he knew this because he had been recording himself driving that fast.

But wait … there's still more.

See, the guy also had to give up his video camera to the deputy, who confiscated it as evidence once he realized what he thought was on it — which was not only that the driver had exceeded the speed limit to the tune of 118 mph but also that he had actually reached speeds of 140 mph and had it on tape!

But wait … there's a bit more.

See, the guy had no choice to report to a nearby jail because he was arrested and charged with not only speeding but also reckless driving. (It's rare to see the one charge without the other, but the deputy included them both just to be sure.)

When this driver gets to tell his side of the story, he will be tempted to plead that he was doing it for a laugh or a stunt or for some fame on YouTube. That probably won't matter. He's probably lucky to be alive. Winds were gusting up to 50 mph that day, and tree branches had been blown across the highway.

What some people will do for fame.

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